Tuesday 26 November 2013

Christmas Decorations

Last weekend I met with friends and made some Christmas decorations, something we had planned for a long time. Firstly we went (very early!) to a flower market to buy all the necessary items. Then we spent all day long gossiping and having a great time doing these things - it was the most fun I had in a long time!  But not everything was so great when we started- we failed so many times in the beginning, that we almost gave up. Now I understand why these Christmas decorations are so expensive! Fortunately, after a while things started working out better and the results are good enough to show you :)

Soon we'll be getting a Christmas tree and decorating it with these pieces we made... I can't wait to see how it will look like!


  1. thank You for inspiration! ;D

  2. You are crazy! I wish I could have that drive...:)

  3. Heheh, Natalia loves this kind of stuff! You are more than welcome to join us anytime you want!

  4. Świetnie wyglądają te bombki w koszyczku!
    Mnie też w tym roku wzięło na DIY :)
    Nie wiem czy mogę podlinkować, najwyżej usuniesz. Chciałam pokazać co my robiliśmy:
    bardzo eleganckie śnieżynki z papieru http://bo-pieknie-jest.blogspot.com/2013/12/gwiazdki-sniezynki-z-papieru-quilling.html
    i choinki z rurek papierowych - http://bo-pieknie-jest.blogspot.com/2013/11/diy-niesamowice-efektowna-i-prosta-do.html
    Wbrew pozorom bardzo prosto się je robi, a efekt jest świetny, polecam!
    Wesołych Świąt!!!

    1. Wow, super Wam wyszły choinki z papierowych rurek!!!
      Ja naszą choinkę chciałabym zrobić ze sklejki, ale nie wiem czy damy radę w tym roku...
